“The volatile world of discovery sanctions” By: Elizabeth J. McInturff, Esq.

In a recent guest column for The Daily Record titled, “The volatile world of discovery sanctions,” Elizabeth J. McInturff, Esq., of JDKatz, P.C., discusses The Supreme Court of Maryland’s decision in A.A. v. Ab.D., 216 Md. App. 418, (2020). She explains the decision as being that, before a court may impose a discovery sanction, it must first determine if the information sought to be excluded is relevant in determining the child’s best interests. This ruling is set to apply even in cases of extreme and intentional discovery violations. She goes on to say that family law practitioners were initially concerned that this ruling would favor parties who negligently failed to practice good faith in discovery. Ultimately, though, she concludes that judges still have “teeth” to enter sanctions against a failing party. To read the full column, click the below image.


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